sunnuntai 4. syyskuuta 2016

Contact session 2: Change management

What kind of mission, vision and strategy does a company need to be adaptable to change?
Kotter International “Leading Change”  8 steps of change:

Change management vs. change leadership : Kotter 

•Problem Solving •Measuring
•Doing What We
Know How To Do

•Establishing Direction
•Aligning People
•Mobilizing People to Achieve Astonishing Results
•Propelling Us Into The Future :

Adapatability to change: Company culture culture?
"Those that thrive are quick to read and act on signals of change. They have worked out how to experiment rapidly, frequently, and economically—not only with products and services but also with business models, processes, and strategies. They have built up skills in managing complex multistakeholder systems in an increasingly interconnected world. Perhaps most important, they have learned to unlock their greatest resources—the people who work for them. "

Oragnizational culture:

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