sunnuntai 28. elokuuta 2016

Trigger One. Future Business Professionals

I started thinking about desired characteristics and skills for business professionals, by researching what kind of jobs one can expect to find in the future. According to the World Economic Forum, there will be a major shift in what kind of jobs are out there, who does them and where in the world. As seen in the infographic below, more opportunities will be created in the field of Business and Financial Operations, Management and computing. The world moves towards more robotics and artificial intelligence. In that respect, we have chosen to study towards a degree that incorporates the needed future skills.

What kind of personal characteristics are needed in these fields?

The future jobs all require strong management skills, thoroughness, a strong intellect and business mindset. Forbes magazine listed fifteen of the most desired characteristics in a business professional. These future professionals are 1. Action Oriented, 2. Intelligent, 3. Ambitious, 4. Autonomous, 5. Strong leaders, 6. Fits the company culture, 7.Upbeat, 8.Confident, 9. Successful, 10.Honest, 11. Detail oriented, 12.Modest, 13.Hard working, 14.Marketable and 15.Passionate

What skills do Business Professionals need to obtain in order to be desired on the labor market?

Looking at the personal characteristics and the future jobs, one can see a strong connection. Skills needed in the future are strongly connected to the development of businesses. Therefore important skills are the ability to analyze a business, the ability to foresee future development in its markets and the ability to profit from these. In addition, future Business professionals need to be able communicate these findings in an efficient way and to lead the business into a process of change.
To be able to do this, one must be knowledgeable in mathematics, finance and have strong business skills. Personal skills to develop are especially project management skills, communication skills, leadership training and the ability to be detailed yet not forgetting the big picture. The World Economic Forum lists the ten most wanted skills in 2020.

 What kind of a learning environment is needed to obtain these skills?

First of all, the educational institution must be a leader in ICT, incorporating the newest technology into the curricula. Basic ICT skills are no longer enough on many job markets. The students need to learn and be surrounded and familiarized with different types of ICT, including analytical tools, robotics and new devices. Once this setting has been established, a strong emphaice should be put on problem- based team work projects, having each students take on different roles in the team (from executioner to manager). Instead of traditional one-way communication by the lecturer, the students take on the role of organizer, lecturer and developer of activities inside and outside of the classroom via new communication tools. Teaching may also become more segmented, incorporating different learning styles for different students, according to their needs, wants and preferences. Studies show, that inclusive learning environments are far better than traditional class room dynamics. In the future inclusive learning will be much more used for the benefit of the learning progress and student success. A feeling of success will also help to develop personal characteristics needed in the future workplace, such as autonomy, confidence and passion.